Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Care package from a very dear friend....

I was surprised and thrilled to pick up a big box at the Post Office...and was over the moon when I opened it to find all kinds of goodies stuffed in there!

My dearest friend Kayjay had mailed me all kinds of stuffs to nourish my heart, body and soul! Each individual item was so nicely wrapped and came with a cryptic message on a card. SO SWEET!!!!

And she didn't forget RG too....oh by the way, RG gobbled up all the cookies the minute I opened the box =) He sends his heartfelt appreciation for KJ's lovely gesture.

While I loved everything that Kayjay had most favorite of all her gifts has to be the hae-bee! She's such a darling to know that I miss my hae-bee in my pumpkin kueh. Now, maybe I can make some of the hae-bee-hiam that RG and I both miss badly.

Thanks Kayjay. Love you...muak muak muak!

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